Abstract This is an exciting time to be conducting asthma research. The recent development of targeted asthma biologics has validated the power of basic research to discover new molecules amenable to therapeutic intervention. Advances in high-throughput sequencing are providing a wealth of “omics” data about genetic and epigenetic underpinnings of asthma, as well as about...

Abstract Asthma is a chronic inflammatory airway disease characterized by respiratory symptoms, variable airflow obstruction, bronchial hyperresponsiveness, and airway inflammation. Exposure to air pollution has been linked to an increased risk of asthma development and exacerbation. This review aims to comprehensively summarize recent data on the impact of air pollution on asthma development and exacerbation....

Abstract Background: Smoking induces and modifies the airway immune response, accelerating the decline of asthmatics’ lung function and severely affecting asthma symptoms’ control level. To assess the prognosis of asthmatics who smoke and to provide reasonable recommendations for treatment, we constructed a nomogram prediction model. Methods: General and clinical data were collected from April to September 2021...

Abstract Background/aim: Characteristics of asthma in the elderly population is not well-known. The aim of the present study was to evaluate asthma in the elderly population, to compare disease characteristics between patients diagnosed <60 (aged asthma) and ≥60 (elderly asthma) years of age. Materials and methods: The study was a prospective, multicenter, cross-sectional type. A questionnaire was...

Abstract Chronic airway diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are prevalent and complex conditions that often coexist in the same patient. To address this complexity in clinical practice, and to move forward toward personalized and precision medicine of airway diseases, a strategy based on the identification and treatment of so-called “treatable traits”...

I corticosteroidi orali (OCS) sono utilizzati da molto tempo nel trattamento dei pazienti asmatici, in particolare per brevi cicli durante i periodi critici di esacerbazione (attacchi d’asma). Il loro utilizzo con tale indicazione è ritenuto efficace ed essenziale, in quanto ad oggi non esistono altri approcci terapeutici di analoga efficacia nel trattamento delle riacutizzazioni di...

Abstract Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) are principally lifestyle related chronic inflammatory airway disease. They are globally associated with various systemic comorbidities and mortality. Osteoporosis is the common associated metabolic bone disease with respiratory disturbances, which affect the prognosis and increase mortality and morbidity in the patients. Apart from OSTEOPOROSIS, exhaustive attention has...

Abstract The implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques in healthcare has garnered significant attention in recent years, especially as a result of their potential to revolutionize personalized medicine. Despite advances in the treatment and management of asthma, a significant proportion of patients continue to suffer acute exacerbations, irrespective of disease severity...

Il National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (1) definisce i registri come “un sistema organizzato per la raccolta, l’archiviazione, il recupero, l’analisi e la diffusione di informazioni su persone che hanno una particolare malattia, una condizione (ad esempio, un fattore di rischio) che le predispone al verificarsi di un evento correlato alla salute, o una precedente esposizione...

Il titolo sembra reminiscente di una recentissima pubblicazione di Thomas et al. su European Respiratory Journal (2022): “Asthma remission- what is it and how can it be achieved?” (1). In realtà qui sono contenuti due concetti: la definizione della Remissione e come possiamo raggiungerla nell’asma. • Il Concetto di Remissione nell’Asma: il concetto è quello di utilizzare una valutazione “multicriterio” rispetto a quanto...