Bendix AF, Trentin AB, Vasconcelos MW, Pilonetto JC, Kuhn BC, Leite DCA, De Barros FRO, Cardoso JMK, Gabiatti NC, Wendt SN, Ghisi NC.
From chaos to clarity: The scientometric breakthrough in COVID-19 researchHileman CO, Malakooti SK, Patil N, Singer NG, McComsey GA.
New-onset autoimmune disease after COVID-19Polman R, Hurst JR, Uysal OF, Mandal S, Linz D, Simons S.
Cardiovascular disease and risk in COPD: a state of the art reviewPlavec D, Vrbica Ž.
What is pre-COPD and do we know how to treat it?Georas SN, Khurana S.
Update on asthma biologyZhou X, Sampath V, Nadeau KC.
Effect of air pollution on asthmaCardoso J, Ferreira AJ, Guimarães M, Oliveira AS, Simão P, Sucena M
Treatable Traits in COPD – A Proposed ApproachOelsner EC, Sun Y, Balte PP, Allen NB, Andrews H, Carson A, Cole SA, Coresh J, Couper D, Cushman M, Daviglus M, Demmer RT, Elkind MSV, Gallo LC, Gutierrez JD, Howard VJ, Isasi CR, Judd SE, Kanaya AM, Kandula NR, Kaplan RC, Kinney GL, Kucharska-Newton AM, Lackland DT, Lee JS, Make BJ, Min YI, Murabito JM, Norwood AF, Ortega VE, Pettee Gabriel K, Psaty BM, Regan EA, Sotres-Alvarez D, Schwartz D, Shikany JM, Thyagarajan B, Tracy RP, Umans JG, Vasan RS, Wenzel SE, Woodruff PG, Xanthakis V, Zhang Y, Post WS.
Epidemiologic Features of Recovery From SARS-CoV-2 InfectionMa J, Chen Z, Wu K, Lei J, Zhao L.
Risk factor analysis and nomogram for predicting poor symptom control in smoking asthmaticsDamadoğlu E, Aktaş ÖÖ, Gemicioğlu B, Yilmaz N, Bozkuş F, Ayhan V, Kalpaklioğlu AF, Erkekol FÖ, Havlucu Y, Erel F, Aydin Ö, Ekici A, Baççioğlu A, Bariş SA, Buhari GK, Ceyhan B, Göksel Ö, Köse M, Dursun AB, Yildiz F, Yorgancioğlu A, Işik SR, Ediger D, Oğuzülgen İK, Demir AU, Karakaya G, Kalyoncu AF.
Elderly and aged asthma have different characteristics: results of a multicenter studyWang P, Zhu M, Zhang D, Guo XG, Zhao S, Zhang XL, Wang DL, Liu CT
The relationship between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and non-small cell lung cancer in the elderlyAgusti A, Gibson PG, McDonald VM
Treatable Traits in Airway Disease: From Theory to PracticeJha SS, Kumar M, Agrawal PK, Thakur DK
Osteoporosis in Asthma and COPDMolfino NA, Turcatel G, Riskin D
Machine Learning Approaches to Predict Asthma Exacerbations: A Narrative ReviewMekhuri S, Quach S, Barakat C, Sun W, Nonoyama ML
A cross-sectional survey on the effects of ambient temperature and humidity on health outcomes in individuals with chronic respiratory diseaseKleinsorge L, Pasha Z, Boesing M, Abu Hussein N, Bridevaux PO, Chhajed PN, Geiser T, Joos Zellweger L, Kohler M, Maier S, Miedinger D, Tamm M, Thurnheer R, Von Garnier C, Leuppi JD.
Clinical characteristics governing treatment adjustment in COPD patients: results from the Swiss COPD cohort studyKothandarama K, Mohindra S, Arungovind K, Mahendru S.
Prevalence of Common Aeroallergens in Allergic Rhinitis and its Correlation with Bronchial Asthma: A Study on 798 Patients by Skin Prick TestGrant TL, Wood RA, Chapman MD.
Indoor Environmental Exposures and Their Relationship to Allergic DiseasesRuiz-Spinelli A, Waterer G, Rello J.
Severe community-acquired pneumonia in the post COVID-19 eraGalli F, Bindo F, Motos A, Fernández-Barat L, Barbeta E, Gabarrús A, Ceccato A, Bermejo-Martin JF, et al
Procalcitonin and C-reactive protein to rule out early bacterial coinfection in COVID-19 critically ill patientsScarlata S, Zotti S, Finamore P, Osadnik CR, Scichilone N, Antonelli Incalzi R, Claudio P, Cesari M.
Frailty in the chronic respiratory patient: association with mortality and clinical features in obstructive, restrictive, and mixed spirometric patternsBertels X, Edris A, Garcia-Aymerich J, Faner R, Meteran H, Sigsgaard T, Alter P, Vogelmeier C, Olvera N, Kermani NZ, Agusti A, Donaldson GC, Wedzicha JA, Brusselle GG, Backman H, Rönmark E, Lindberg A, Vonk JM, Chung KF, Adcock IM, van den Berge M, Lahousse L.
Phenotyping asthma with airflow obstruction in middle-aged and older adults: a CADSET clinical research collaborationHägglöf E, Bell M, Zettersten E, Engerström L, Larsson E.
Long-term survival after intensive care for COVID-19: a nationwide cohort study of more than 8000 patientsBlöndal V, Sundbom F, Zhou X, Movérare R, Borres MP, Högman M, Alving K, Malinovschi A, Janson C.
Allergic sensitisation and type-2 inflammation is associated with new-onset and persistent allergic diseaseBordoni B, Escher A, Compalati E, Mapelli L, Toccafondi A.
The Importance of the Diaphragm in Neuromotor Function in the Patient with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseTang KS, Tsai CM, Cheng MC, Huang YH, Chang CH, Yu HR.
Salivary Biomarkers to Differentiate between Streptococcus pneumoniae and Influenza A Virus-Related Pneumonia in ChildrenClemente I, Santini SJ, Vittorini P, Pallotta E, Sinatti G, Fontana A, Mammarella L, Rancitelli E, Balsano C.
Fall of viral and bacterial pneumonia hospitalizations following COVID-19 pandemic mitigation strategies: a central Italian Region retrospective studyTashima N, Matsumoto H, Nishi K, Terada S, Kogo M, Nomura N, Morimoto C, Sunadome H, Nagasaki T, Oguma T, Nakatsuka Y, Murase K, Kawaguchi T, Tabara Y, Chin K, Sonomura K, Matsuda F, Hirai T.
Evaluation of elevated plasma fatty acids as relevant factors for adult-onset asthma: The Nagahama StudyRosso A, Månsson T, Egervall K, Elmståhl S, Overton M.
Cognitive decline and risk of dementia in older adults after diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseSu X, Lei T, Yu H, Zhang L, Feng Z, Shuai T, Guo H, Liu J
NT-proBNP in Different Patient Groups of COPD: A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisYang X, Chung KF, Huang K.
Worldwide prevalence, risk factors and burden of chronic cough in the general population: a narrative reviewSchiwe D, Vendrusculo FM, Becker NA, Donadio MVF.
Impact of asthma on heart rate variability in children and adolescents: systematic review and meta-analysisKakkera K, Atchley WT, Kodali M, Bartter T.
Ageing and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: interrelationshipsYang C, Ren G, Yang Q.
Prognostic value of preoperative modified Glasgow prognostic score in surgical non-small cell lung cancer: A meta-analysisFauveau V, Jacobi A, Bernheim A, Chung M, Benkert T, Fayad ZA, Feng L.
Performance of spiral UTE-MRI of the lung in post-COVID patientsBazdyrev E, Panova M, Zherebtsova V, Burdenkova A, Grishagin I, Novikov F, Nebolsin V.
The Hidden Pandemic of COVID-19-Induced Organizing PneumoniaGando S, Wada T.
Pathomechanisms Underlying Hypoxemia in Two COVID-19-Associated Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Phenotypes: Insights From Thrombosis and HemostasisArguinchona LM, Zagona-Prizio C, Joyce ME, Chan ED, Maloney JP.
Microvascular significance of TGF-β axis activation in COVID-19Ma Y, Deng J, Liu Q, Du M, Liu M, Liu J.
Long-Term Consequences of Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisYong SJ, Halim A, Halim M, Liu S, Aljeldah M, Al Shammari BR, Alwarthan S, Alhajri M, Alawfi A, Alshengeti A, Khamis F, Alsalman J, Alshukairi AN, Abukhamis NA, Almaghrabi FS, Almuthree SA, Alsulaiman AM, Alshehail BM, Alfaraj AH, Alhawaj SA, Mohapatra RK, Rabaan AA.
Inflammatory and vascular biomarkers in post-COVID-19 syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis of over 20 biomarkersRahmati M, Molanouri Shamsi M, Woo W, Koyanagi A, Won Lee S, Keon Yon D, Shin JI, Smith L.
Effects of physical rehabilitation interventions in COVID-19 patients following discharge from hospital: A systematic reviewPlatini H, Ferdinand E, Kohar K, Prayogo SA, Amirah S, Komariah M, Maulana S.
Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio and Platelet-to-Lymphocyte Ratio as Prognostic Markers for Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Treated with Immunotherapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisLiu Y, Zhao C, Lu Q, Hu Y.
The optimal neoadjuvant regimen for nonsmall cell lung cancer: A meta-analysisAlkodaymi MS, Omrani OA, Fawzy NA, Shaar BA, Almamlouk R, Riaz M, Obeidat M, Obeidat Y, Gerberi D, Taha RM, Kashour Z, Kashour T, Berbari EF, Alkattan K, Tleyjeh IM.
Prevalence of post-acute COVID-19 syndrome symptoms at different follow-up periods: a systematic review and meta-analysisHealey Q, Sheikh A, Daines L, Vasileiou E.
Symptoms and signs of long COVID: A rapid review and meta-analysisLi Y, Qian H, Yu K, Huang Y.
The Long-Term Maintenance Effect of Remote Pulmonary Rehabilitation via Social Media in COPD: A Randomized Controlled TrialBurge AT, Malaguti C, Hoffman M, Shiell A, McDonald CF, Berlowitz DJ, Holland AE.
Efficacy of Repeating Pulmonary Rehabilitation in People with COPD: A Systematic ReviewSchnoor K, Versluis A, Bakema R, van Luenen S, Kooij MJ, van den Heuvel JM, Teichert M, Honkoop PJ, van Boven JFM, Chavannes NH, Aardoom JJ.
A Pharmacy-Based eHealth Intervention Promoting Correct Use of Medication in Patients With Asthma and COPD: Nonrandomized Pre-Post StudyLi X, Mao C, Pan Y.
Effect of Routine Therapy Assisted by Physical Exercise on Pulmonary Function in Patients with Asthma in Stable Stage: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Clinical TrialsHu W, Li T, Cao S, Gu Y, Chen L.
Influence of Nurse-Led Health Education on Self-Management Ability, Satisfaction, and Compliance of Elderly Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Based on Knowledge, Belief, and Practice Model Ceyhan Y, Tekinsoy Kartin P.
The effects of breathing exercises and inhaler training in patients with COPD on the severity of dyspnea and life quality: a randomized controlled trialMekov E, Nuñez A, Sin DD, Ichinose M, Rhee CK, Maselli DJ, Coté A, Suppli Ulrik C, Maltais F, Anzueto A, Miravitlles M.
Update on Asthma-COPD Overlap (ACO): A Narrative Review Iheanacho I, Zhang S, King D, Rizzo M, Ismaila AS.
Economic Burden of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): A Systematic Literature Review Leung C, Sin DD.
Asthma-COPD Overlap: What Are the Important Questions? Vogelmeier CF, Román-Rodríguez M, Singh D, Han MK, Rodríguez-Roisin R, Ferguson GT.
Goals of COPD treatment: Focus on symptoms and exacerbations Keogh E, Mark Williams E.
Managing malnutrition in COPD: A review Skevaki C, Karsonova A, Karaulov A, Xie M, Renz H.
Asthma-associated risk for COVID-19 developmentZhao Q, Meng M, Kumar R, Wu Y, Huang J, Lian N, Deng Y, Lin S.
The impact of COPD and smoking history on the severity of COVID-19: A systemic review and meta-analysisZafari Z, Li S, Eakin MN, Bellanger M, Reed RM.
Projecting Long-term Health and Economic Burden of COPD in the United States Zysman M, Raherison-Semjen C.
Women’s COPD Schermer TR, Robberts B, Crockett AJ, Thoonen BP, Lucas A, Grootens J, Smeele IJ, Thamrin C, Reddel HK.
Should the diagnosis of COPD be based on a single spirometry test?Barnes PJ, Celli BR.
Systemic manifestations and comorbidities of COPDBelmonte KE.
Cholinergic pathways in the lungs and anticholinergic therapy for chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseBoechat JL, Wandalsen GF, Kuschnir FC, Delgado L.
COVID-19 and Pediatric Asthma: Clinical and Management ChallengesLee SC, Son KJ, Han CH, Jung JY, Park SC.
Impact of comorbid asthma on severity of coronavirus disease (COVID-19)Akmatov MK, Ermakova T, Holstiege J, Steffen A, von Stillfried D, Bätzing J.
Comorbidity profile of patients with concurrent diagnoses of asthma and COPD in GermanyVested A, Kolstad HA, Basinas I, Burdorf A, Elholm G, Heederik D, Jacobsen GH, Kromhout H, Omland Ø, Schaumburg I, Sigsgaard T, Vestergaard JM, Wouters IM, Schlünssen V.
Dust exposure and the impact on hospital readmission of farming and wood industry workers for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)Zhou XL, Zhao LY.
Comparison of clinical features and outcomes for asthma-COPD overlap syndrome vs. COPD patients: a systematic review and meta-analysisKellerer C, Hapfelmeier A, Jörres RA, Schultz K, Brunn B, Schneider A.
Evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) in patients with suspected asthma: study protocol for a prospective diagnostic studyEsmaeilzadeh H, Nouri F, Nabavizadeh SH, Alyasin S, Mortazavi N.
Can eosinophilia and neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio predict hospitalization in asthma exacerbation?Nishimura K, Kusunose M, Sanda R, Mori M, Shibayama A, Nakayasu K.
Is Blood Eosinophil Count a Biomarker for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in a Real-World Clinical Setting? Predictive Property and Longitudinal Stability in Japanese PatientsGuan WJ, Liang WH, Shi Y, Gan LX, Wang HB, He JX, Zhong NS.
Chronic respiratory diseases and the outcomes of COVID-19: A nationwide retrospective cohort study of 39,420 casesPeltola L, Pätsi H, Harju T.
COPD Comorbidities Predict High Mortality – Asthma-COPD-Overlap Has Better PrognosisZewari S, Hadi L, van den Elshout F, Dekhuijzen R, Heijdra Y, Vos P.
Obesity in COPD: Comorbidities with Practical Consequences?Radhakrishna N, Tay TR, Hore-Lacy F, Stirling R, Hoy R, Dabscheck E, Hew M.
Validated questionnaires heighten detection of difficult asthma comorbiditiesFerkh KE, Nwaru BI, Griffiths C, Patel A, Sheikh A.
Healthcare costs of asthma comorbidities: a systematic review protocolNussbaumer-Ochsner Y, Rabe KF.
Systemic manifestations of COPD